Architecture and Land Division Project approved.Planning permission active until July 2023LOT 01 (Collective Housing)Number of habitable dwellings - 21Nº of dwellings T2 - living area 94m2 - 1Nº of two bedrooms apartments - living room 100,30m2 - 6Nº of two bedroom apartments - g.b.a. 103,50m2 - 1Number of two bedroom apartments - g.b.a. 106,30m2 - 5Number of two bedrooms apartments - g.b.a. 107,90m2 - 5No. of dwellings 3 bedrooms - g.b.a.. 146,60m2 - 1No. of dwellings T3 - g.b.a.. 161,50m2 - 5LOT 02 (Collective Housing)Number of habitable dwellings - 12Nº of dwellings T1 - g.b.a. 94m2 - 1Nº of two bedrooms apartments - 102,50m2 - 6Nº of two bedroom apartments - g.b.a. 106,30m2 - 5LOT 03 (Collective Housing)Number of habitable dwellings - 24Nº of one bedroom apartments - g.b.a. 94m2 - 2Nº of dwellings T2 - g.b.a. 103,90m2 - 12Number of two bedroom apartments - g.b.a.. 106,30m2 - 10LOT 04 (Collective Housing)Number of habitable dwellings - 24Nº of dwellings T1 - g.b.a. 94m2 - 2Nº of dwellings T2 - g.b.a. 103,90m2 - 12Nr. of two bedrooms apartments - g.b.a. 106,30m2 - 10