Nestled within the enchanting landscapes of Dobra, the Poenaru Manor stands as a testament to the grandeur and elegance of a bygone era. Surrounded by lush vegetation and green hills, this stately residence exudes an air of mystery and historical significance, having once been the cherished abode of the illustrious boyar family of Poenaru. One of the most prominent boyar families of Oltenia, the Poenaru dynasty is a large one, with important representatives in the political, cultural and scientific life of Romania during the last two centuries. The story of the Dobra domain starts with Costadin (Dinca) Poenaru (1789-1874) who inherits and then extends family’s lands all across Mehedinți county. But is is Constantin Poenaru (1860-1946) the one that puts his entire life and energy into developing the Dobra Domain to what it is today. Approaching the manor, one is immediately struck by the imposing façade that speaks of both opulence and noble heritage. The architecture seamlessly combines Classical and Renaissance influences, resulting in a harmonious blend of intricate stonework, sober features but also delicate ornate details. As you step inside, a sense of timelessness envelops you. The interior exudes an aura of faded grandeur, with high vaulted ceilings adorned by old bricks walls that can tell some century old tales and historical events. The grand foyer, illuminated by the soft glow of antique chandeliers, leads to a series of once lavishly decorated rooms. The heart of the manor is undoubtedly the grand hall, a space designed to host extravagant gatherings and events. Towering windows allow natural light to cascade onto the large halls that lead to rooms who used to be used for living, for doing business or for spending time with friends. The expansive gardens that envelop the Poenaru Manor are a verdant paradise, with a large wallnuts orchard, vibrant flowerbeds, and meandering pathways that invite contemplative strolls. The domain contains a series of very valuable annex buildings: small renovated house (128 sqm), a beautiful former barn (166 sqm), the large storage (3 levels on a 327 sqm footprint) and a small block of apartments (2 levels on a 174 sqm footprint). The total land plot has 11 hectares , out of which 7 are owned and 4 are leased from the city hall. While time has inevitably left its mark on the Poenaru Manor, it remains a well preserved cherished jewel in Dobra's and Oltenia’s historical tapestry, a living testament to the legacy of the boyar family that once graced its halls. It can be used as such, as a beautiful residence for permanent living or for vacation, or can be turned into a small farm, a beautiful boutique hotel or a medical care center.