Consented residential development opportunity for up to 80 units in central Swindon.
The building was originally constructedin the 1980s and provides purpose-builtoffice accommodation arrangedover ground and four upper floors, withancillary storage space in the basement.The property is of concrete frameconstruction with brick clad elevationsarranged under a flat roof.The building is currently subject to the below applications:S/PO2R/23/0164Prior Approval Notification for the Changeof Use of ground floor from office to 9residential flats (Class C3), with retention of1 office on ground floor and change of useof first floor from office to 11 residential flats(Class C3). Granted May 2023.S/23/0679Change of use of part of the ground floorand the entire second, third and fourthfloor of the building to provide 40 flats.Granted March 2024.S/PAOTH/23/0517Prior Approval Notification for the erectionof 2 additional floors to facilitate 20 flatspending subject to completion of a Section106 Agreement.The applications allow for theconversion of the existing building into60 residential flats and the erection oftwo additional floors providing a further20 flats. In total, the property will havepermission for conversion / extensionproviding 80 C3 residential flats.The proposed scheme comprises 22 twobedroom flats and 58 one bedroom flats.The flats are to comprise a total area ofc.51,451 sq. ft with range in sizes of 424sq. ft to 1,099 sq. ft and an average flatssize of 643 sq. ft. An accommodationschedule is available in the data room.Additional InformationMobile Coverage:Please look at the Ofcom website for more information
The building is prominently situated on Station Road approximately 50m to the south of Swindon mainline station within the town's main commercial core. It is approximately 0.3 miles to the north of the town's main retail provision.SN1 is well situated to provide good access to boththe A4311 and the A4259 which provide access to the A419 and onwards to Junction 15 of the M4.The council are investing £33m into theredevelopment of Fleming Way, to create a new bus boulevard and improved pedestrian and cycle routes in order to increase connectivity and to encourage investment and development in the area.