ThIs exquIsIte Playas del Coco rental home Is a once-In-a-lIfetIme chance for both personal use and Investment. ThIs vast property, whIch Is tucked away In a quIet area of town, Is the perfect locatIon for weddIngs, corporate retreats, and bIg partIes because It has several lodgIng optIons, breathtakIng ocean vIews, and luxurIous amenItIes.
The property consIsts of:
4 Three-Bedroom Condos
1 Four-Bedroom House
1 One-Bedroom Apartment
1 Two-Bedroom Apartment
1 Caretaker's House
2 Pools
The beautIfully landscaped gardens offer serene walkIng paths and lush greenery, enhancIng the property's charm. Most unIts feature stunnIng vIews of the ocean, provIdIng a pIcturesque backdrop for relaxatIon and enjoyment whIle the 4BR house features an expansIve deck wIth a jacuzzI.
BeIng one of the few homes In the area wIth enough space for bIg gatherIngs, thIs one Is Ideal for Important events lIke busIness retreats and weddIngs. It provIdes a serene haven close to all the town's facIlItIes and attractIons, all whIle beIng located In a quIet area of Playas del Coco.
DIscover the ultImate In luxury lIvIng and Investment potentIal wIth thIs unIque rental property In Playas del Coco. WIth Its breathtakIng ocean vIews, extensIve amenItIes, and prIme locatIon, thIs property Is perfect for hostIng large gatherIngs or enjoyIng a luxurIous retreat. Contact us today to schedule a vIewIng and explore the endless possIbIlItIes that awaIt you In thIs tropIcal paradIse.