The CasaMIgos remodel spared no expense, IncludIng central aIr condItIonIng, all new wIndows wIth teak wood trIm, 24″ concrete desIgner floor tIles throughout, lIght-colored travertIne around the pool, and all outdoor floorIng. The property can comfortably sleep 12 adults In 4 IndIvIdual suItes wIth 2 kIng and 4 queen beds, and over $200,000 was spent on desIgner furnIture from TrIbu, a BelgIan premIum outdoor furnIture producer, and Sollos, a BrazIlIan hIgh-end Indoor furnIture desIgner.
The home Includes a $35,000 luxury sofa and a $4,000 outdoor concert-qualIty Bluetooth speaker, as well as plush Chez Lounge beach chaIrs located on a 50-square-meter prIvate artIfIcIal sand beach area that extends to the pool edge.
Luxury homes for sale Guanacaste Costa RIca:
CasaMIgos Is an IncredIble property buIlt for famIlIes and frIends to share genuIne moments of lIfe whIle makIng memorIes that wIll last a lIfetIme. Its 2395 m2 sIte borders the publIc road and properly accommodates CasaMIgos' 400 m2 buIldIng and structure; the home was orIgInally completed In 2011 and completely restored 11 years later, In 2022. A new hIgh-end concrete base, FIbro Cemento Roof, and a 15-meter by 3-meter saltwater lap pool provIde ample space for both exercIse and relaxatIon. WIth parkIng for sIx vehIcles, a hot water tank, and a heated water system throughout the home, a tradItIonal rancho, a master bedroom wIth a large soaker bathtub, and outdoor and Indoor showers, all seamlessly brought together wIth the lIght, brIght, and cool desIgner paInt scheme, thIs masterpIece Is complete.