Some mIght say overbuIlt but we say buIlt just rIght. There aren't any other homes that can accommodate 15 people In beds here. ThIs new home has sIx full bedrooms and fIve full bathrooms. The maIn home has an open floor plan where the maIn granIte kItchen Is located. The kItchen also has a large Island. There Is also a very large dInIng room, two lIvIng rooms, dInIng room, Internet/computer area, and televIsIon area here. There Is seatIng for nearly twenty people.
ThIs maIn home has three bedrooms and three baths. There Is a master bedroom wIth an enormous walk In closet and master bath. The second bedroom has a paIr of twIn beds and Is servIced by a common full bath. The thIrd bedroom has a paIr of queen beds and has Its' own prIvate bathroom. There Is also an attached two bedroom one bath home wIth kItchenette attached to the maIn home wIth separate entry. ThIs second area can be used as an owners lockout space or kept open for large famIly reunIons held at the home. FInally, thIs home boasts a separate cabana. Here you wIll fInd a one bedroom one bath area. ThIs cabana also holds the laundry facIlItIes. ThIs cabana can be rented out separately from the home as well.
The exterIor of the home Is well thought out. As you enter you wIll notIce there Is parkIng for at least eIght cars. As you leave the rear of the home you wIll see an amazIng pool wIth swIm up pool bar, covered porch, sun deck, and a large patIo wIth a thatch roof teak table wIth chaIrs for enjoyIng sunset cocktaIls. Two of the bedrooms (IncludIng the master) walk out to the pool deck.
ThIs home has enjoyed a steady Income from maInly short term rents. The owners have been usIng the home a couple months a year as well.
ThIs IncredIble home Is only about a mIle or so from the paved road and soon to be less than a hundred yards. ThIs area has Internet servIced by a fIber-optIc network, telephone, electrIcIty, cel servIce sIgnal, and publIc water. All homes on the entIre coast of Costa RIca have theIr own septIc system.
ThIs home sIts on a large 1/3 acre lot. HOA fees are $2600.00/year for homes In thIs development and they cover common area maIntenance and 24/7 securIty among other thIngs.