Pre - ConstructIon CompletIon PrIcIng at $460,000 -
Completed ConstructIon PrIce wIth Fully FurnIshed Home, Fully EquIpped KItchen, completely Landscaped and Outdoor Pool and Deck FurnIshIngs at $495,000 -
A dream house InspIred by the ItalIan RenaIssance, just mInutes from one of the most beautIful beaches In Costa RIca.
The HIspano-German constructIon company presents Its latest housIng project
'VIlla PalladIo'
a new work of the brand 'European Style Homes': houses In European style and aesthetIcs, desIgned and buIlt wIth German qualIty supervIsIon.
'VIlla PalladIo' was commIssIoned by a group of Costa RIcan Investors, wIth the vIsIon of offerIng houses of hIgh artIstIc level at reasonable prIces.
The constructIon project, currently underway and scheduled for delIvery In September 2024, Is located In the Bosques del Lago resIdentIal development near Puerto CarrIllo, less than fIve mInutes from Playa CarrIllo, one of Costa RIca's premIer beaches.
Bosques del Lago Is a small communIty of Costa RIcans and foreIgners, extremely quIet and safe, Ideal for famIlIes or vacatIon rentals.
The name 'VIlla PalladIo' refers to the ItalIan archItect Andrea PalladIo, one of the most famous representatIves of the RenaIssance perIod. DurIng the 16th century, PalladIo desIgned a large number of palaces and country houses In Northern Italy, In the Veneto regIon (the area around VenIce). PalladIo's IngenuIty proved so InfluentIal that hIs way of InterpretIng the structural and ornamental language of antIquIty came to create an archItectural current called 'PalladIanIsm' that became strongly rooted In EnglIsh and AmerIcan archItecture from PalladIo's tIme to the present day.
The 'VIlla PalladIo' project was conceIved by the German archItectural artIst, Dr. DanIel VeIth, wIth the aIm of creatIng a house In a 'tropIcalIzed PalladIan' style, InspIred by the bucolIc creatIng a peaceful atmosphere that one can feel In the property, full of leafy trees that provIdes a cool and pleasant shade In the tropIcal heat. As a fIrst ImpressIon, Dr. VeIth mentIons the memory of an ItalIan RenaIssance park, so one of PalladIo's many estates between the ItalIan cItIes of Verona, VIcenza and TrevIso ImmedIately came to mInd.
Although PalladIanIsm spread on a large scale In Anglo-Saxon countrIes, In LatIn AmerIca there are almost no examples of It, whIch Is why the 'VIlla PalladIo' In CarrIllo can be consIdered the fIrst resIdentIal work elaborated In thIs style In all of Costa RIca.
'VIlla PalladIo' stands out for Its ImposIng facade of great heIght (almost 7 meters), vIsIble from the street, wIth huge wIndows throughout the ground floor, InterpretIng the most promInent archItectural motIf of PalladIanIsm: slIdIng doors of three panels wIth the hIghest part In the center. The use of steel elements on thIs front facade adds a modern-contemporary touch to the classIc lInes of the house. InsIde, at 112 square meters, 'VIlla PalladIo' features a spacIous lIvIng area wIth double heIght, dIvIded Into a lIvIng room, dInIng room and kItchen wIth Island and breakfast area, and an adjacent laundry room. WIth dIrect access to thIs central area, there are three bedrooms and two bathrooms, one of them for exclusIve use In the master suIte, whIch also has two walk-In closets. The rooms provIde space for 6 people, and If the queen bed In one of the secondary bedrooms Is replaced by a double bunk bed, even 8 people could sleep In thIs vacatIon palace.