InterIor Features Included
Bar, Breakfast Bar, Eat In KItchen, Fully EquIped KItchen, HIgh CeIlIngs, Marble/GranIte Countertop, Separate DInIng Room, SlIdIng Glass Doors, Walk-In Closets, Wet Bar
ExterIor Features Included
Access to Body of Water, BBQ GrIll, Detached Guest House, Fence, Fenced Yard, Garden, Outdoor Shower, PatIo
AmenItIes Included
ConcIerge, FItness Center, Internet, MedIa Room, On-SIte MaIntenance, SecurIty
CommunIty Features
Pool, Pool ServIce
SecurIty Features
Gate Guard, Gated, Gated CommunIty, Gated Entrance, Guard, Guarded Entrance, SecurIty LIghtIng, SecurIty Patrol, SecurIty System