Location: Yamataka, Mukawa-cho, Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture
Transportation:20 minutes by car from Hinoharu Station on the JR Chuo Main Line (approx. 8.7 km)
Land rights:Proprietary ownership
Land area: 1,055 m2 (approx. 319.13 tsubo), public registry
Private road burden: No
Lot classification: Residential land
Access road: Agricultural road on the east side, 4m wide (non-statutory road)
Zoning: Not designated
Urban planning: Outside of urban planning area
Building-to-land ratio/volume ratio: 40%/100
Building area: 108.06 m2 (approx. 32.68 tsubo)
Structure: 2-story wooden structure with alloy-plated steel sheet roofing
Year built: May 2013
Parking: Yes
Current status: Occupied
Delivery: Negotiable
Facilities:Well, Tokyo Electric Power Company, public sewage
Mode of Transaction: Brokerage.
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