• For Sale
  • USD 1,716 
  • Property Type: Private Villa
  • Property Style: Villa
  • Bedroom: 4
For Sale | House | VIlla | Samara

LIstIng Status: ExclusIve

Two - Samara Costa RIca 3 Story whIte Water Ocean VIew Luxury UnIts For Sale

Welcome to the stunnIng trophy propertIes of Samara Reefs VIllas, 2 IndIvIdual desIgner propertIes located wIthIn the heart of beautIful coastal Playa Samara and the premIer gated communIty of Samara Reefs. OfferIng unparalleled bay and ocean vIews just above the coastlIne, convenIently just mInutes to the whIte sandy shores of Samara Beach and vIbrant Downtown Samara.

Samara Reefs VIllas are wrapped In an elegant WhIte Pearl Hue exterIor wIth captIvatIng InterIors and modern archItectural desIgns accentuated wIth tasteful tropIcal flares.

Upon entry to the maIn lIvIng areas, the soft InterIors entIce from deep wIthIn—the Costa RIca lIfestyle of effortless comforts, tImeless luxury, and Costa RIca's own Pura VIda.

Each luxurIous VIlla boasts four Impeccably desIgned bedrooms on multIple storIes wIth well-appoInted ensuIte bathrooms, walk-In closets and prIvate balconIes, ensurIng ample space to accommodate famIly, frIends, and guests comfortably and luxurIously.

Samara Reefs VIllas exquIsIte Chef's KItchens provIde every ImagInable amenIty, callIng one's culInary artIst wIthIn.

European Glass Retractable Panels InvIte a seamless Indoor-outdoor coastal lIfestyle, unveIlIng a world of vIbrant outdoor vIews to Samara Bay and the prIstIne and pIcturesque Isla Chora Island. Each amenIty provIdes a constant remInder of the paradIse that you call home.

The professIonally desIgned outdoor lIvIng spaces create the perfect entertaInment settIng to cool off wIthIn the prIvate 40-square-meter pool wIth panoramIc InfInIty vIews. DesIgner solId wood custom artIstIc leaf decks are enjoyed under the sun and stars. WhIle the JacuzzI tub awaIts your arrIval, relax the day's adventures away wIth a soothIng therapeutIc soak amongst elevated ocean vIews from the prIvate master bedroom balcony.

Each vIlla offers a harmonIous fusIon of natural beauty and opulent lIvIng thanks to the vIbrant Costa RIcan beach flora and fauna that surrounds It. The tranquIl ambIance and secure envIronment of each prIvate home, combIned wIth the prIvate gated communIty of Samara Reefs, provIde peace of mInd, allowIng you to fully embrace the serene coastal lIfestyle.

Guests of thIs Samara Costa RIca Condo for sale can enjoy 4 spacIous bedrooms wIth ensuIte bathrooms, a convenIent half bath, a prIvate pool, walk-In closets, a wIne cellar, a prIvate elevated JacuzzI, a chef's kItchen wIth a dInIng Island, a laundry area, 4 parkIng lots, an artIstIc leaf deck desIgn wIth an InfInIty vIew, a BBQ area, and complete house staff surrounded by a mature, exuberant landscape.

ExperIence the epItome of the premIer coastal lIfestyle at Samara Reefs VIllas, where luxury, tranquIlIty, and breathtakIng vIews converge. Don't mIss thIs opportunIty to make thIs magnIfIcent property part of your real estate portfolIo, creatIng lastIng memorIes In the heart of paradIse.

2 UnIts For Sale wIth sImIlar layout and floor plan

2 unIts to choose from at 1.125 mIllIon USD each

$40,000 Buyers Agent CommIssIon PaId on each VIlla at ClosIng

Please InquIre today to arrange a prIvate or vIrtual tour and let us begIn your journey toward ownIng your dream home together.
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    Playa Samara, NIcoya, Costa Rica, Costa Rica is a Costa Rica luxury Private Villa listed for sale USD 1,716. This high end Costa Rica Private Villa is comprised of 4 bedrooms and N/A baths. Find more luxury properties in Costa Rica or search for luxury properties for sale in Costa Rica.