Situated on the lower slopes of the Montaña Sector of La Reserva Camaronal (LRC), Lot 11 is accessed from Las Baulas Drive, leaving your future driveway a mere 120 meters from the Montaña Sector main entrance and gate. Lot 11 enjoys ocean views from the entire extent of its reach, though the back part of the lot, higher on the mountain, enjoys the best views of all. With several trees and a gently-sloping land surface, Lot 11 is ideal for any scale of permanent or seasonal residence as well, even, as a small commercial installation and readily amenable to the extension of an internal lot driveway. Despite Guanacaste’s renown for water shortages, LRC has five bored wells, all legally registered with MINAET’s Direction of Waters. The entrance gate to Montaña Sector is a mere 550 meters from the nearby world-class surfing beach of Camaronal, where the Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Camaronal operates a sea turtle hatchery that depends on international volunteers and year-round protection to the four species of sea turtles that nest here.