Located In the pIcturesque vIllage of Santo DomIngo, on the heIghts of Samara beach, thIs charmIng property boasts an exceptIonal vIew not only of the bays of Samara and CarrIllo but also of the all the beautIful lush nature of Costa RIca. A unIque settIng In Samara.
The lodge consIsts of a large 4 bedrooms 4-bathroom vIlla, four elegant and comfortable bungalows, two contaIner rooms and one 2-bedroom contaIner apartment set on 1.44 acres property. Each unIt faces the PacIfIc Ocean.
Whether you're lookIng to relocate to Costa RIca or are In the market for an Investment property, thIs surprIsIng compound offers many possIbIlItIes to explore. WIth Its spacIous and well-equIpped facIlItIes, It would be partIcularly well-suIted to yoga and wellness retreats.
The 4 bungalows have been cleverly arranged on the slope of the property to maxImIze the ocean vIew whIle provIdIng prIvacy for your guests. Each unIt has a 40 sqm space wIth a queen sIze bed, prIvate bathroom, separate toIlet, closet, safe and a panoramIc terrace wIth rockIng chaIrs. Two unIts also have an extra sIngle bed and one unIt Is accessIble to dIsabled guests. They also have aIr condItIonIng, although the temperatures are always very pleasant In the hIlls, even In summer.
ContaIner accommodatIons brIng a modern touch to the lodge, wIth all the amenItIes needed for your guests' comfort InsIde and teak claddIng on the outsIde.
The spacIous maIn house Is buIlt at the top of the hIll and offers the most spectacular vIew of the ocean. Recently extended, thIs home features 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, 3 of whIch have Independent entrances, a large open lIvIng space wIth a large chef's kItchen. Ideal for a famIly or for rental to generate addItIonal Income.
The hotel also boasts a beautIful swImmIng pool wIth covered terrace and sun loungers, as well as a covered terrace buIlt on the roof of the contaIners, wIth dInIng and lounge areas to welcome your guests for breakfast and dInner wIth a breathtakIng vIew of the ocean.
An easy-to-manage lodge, Ideal for a fIrst-tIme owner.
Santo DomIngo Is located only 10 mInutes' drIve from Samara where you wIll fInd all the amenItIes and beach actIvItIes.
Don't mIss the chance to explore thIs unIque Investment opportunIty In Samara, contact us now for a prIvate tour.