CharmIng StudIo for Sale In Las Torres, Las Palmas CommunIty, Playas del Coco
ThIs InvItIng second-floor studIo In the Las Torres complex, located In the vIbrant Las Palmas communIty of Playas del Coco, offers a perfect blend of comfort and convenIence. WIth 322 square feet of lIvIng space and vaulted ceIlIngs, the condo feels spacIous and brIght. It comes fully furnIshed and equIpped, makIng It ready for ImmedIate move-In or rental Income.
Las Palmas Is a rapIdly growIng neIghborhood, Ideal for Investment. A new project wIll soon connect Las Palmas to the town of Coco wIth a brand-new sIdewalk, makIng the area even more walkable and accessIble.
Las Torres provIdes a nIght securIty guard for added peace of mInd and features a generously sIzed pool for swImmIng and relaxatIon. These are some of the most economIcally prIced unIts In Las Palmas, wIthIn walkIng dIstance of two popular shoppIng centers and the beautIful beach.
ThIs Is a great opportunIty to own a pIece of paradIse In one of Costa RIca's most desIrable locatIons.