In addition to the charming main house, the property offers a cottage & 2 separate apartments, all 3 of which, generate rental income. Equestrian facilities include an outdoor arena & an indoor arena with observation rms , 4 barns w/33 stalls, 3 tack rms, feed rm, & approximately 30 acres of pasture, fenced into 11 paddocks. In 2020, owner's executed a Power Purchase Agreement resulting in the installation of an array of solar panels on the roof of the indoor arena. This is expected to generate 100% of electricity for the farm. The owners have applied for the Farmland Preservation program & are expecting that the farm will be accepted for that program before the final sale. Accordingly, the farm is being offered as a preserved farm. Currently, the annual gross income from rentals which included apts. & equestrian activites is approximately $280,000. Interior photos will follow.